Please view this site with an open heart.
As i did not create this site for a fulish purpose. And before you begin to think I would just like to say that i am not here
to convert you or to tell you that your beliefs are wrong. I would just like to open up your eyes and your hearts to the true
Islam and not to what you see on TV or read in the papers. To help you gain knowledge and wake up before it's too late. And
remember there is no such thing as I'm not ready to pray everyday, or to wear Hijab, or to learn a new language etc. Because
you never know when when your time will come to face you God. I pray for everyone of you in my prayers and my Dua's, wheather
you are a Muslim or a Non-Muslim it doesn't matter because we were all created by One God. Now keep that in your minds and
InshAllah Allah shall reward you.
Assalam-Aleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
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