Why do Muslim women wear hijabs, Veils?
Women throughout the world spend millions of Dollars
on facial beauty. Companies manufacturing 'beauty' products make a colossal figure in sales. It would be nothing short
saying that the products used on the face far exceed other products. This in itself proves that humans are particularly possessive
of their looks - facial expression. People especially women take great pride and time in making up their faces. Allah Ta'ala has placed the beauty of
man and woman in the face. Perhaps the busiest part of the body is the face - used extensively in communication. The
face communicates the person's mood and facial expressions and expresses the character and mannerism. Because so much of identification is assembled by the face, least to mention the beauty
of women, Muslim women are required to hide away their beauty. The veil forms part of their concealment. The Noble Qur'an declares: "Oh Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers
to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see
the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women so as not to be annoyed." (Ahzaab
59) Furthermore, the Noble Qur'an declares in Sura Nur verse 31, that the believing women
'should not display their beauty and ornamentation' except to their husbands and immediate family (Mahrams). Allah
Ta'ala says clearly that a woman's body should be covered by loose-fitting, non-transparent clothing so that the shape
of her body is not revealed. The Hijaab hides the beauty of the woman's form. No one can
dispute that a woman's primary focus of beauty is her face. Therefore, if Allah Ta'ala places so much of emphasis on hiding
the beauty of a woman's body, it's only logical that the centre of greater attraction - the face - should without a
doubt also be covered. Referring to the wives (Radhiallaahu Anhunna) of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Alayhi Wasallam) warns the men: "And when you ask (His ladies) for anything you want, ask them from behind a curtain:
that makes for greater purity for your hearts and theirs." (Ahzaab 33:53) If Allah Ta'ala expects the prophet's
wives to be so guarded then surely none of the believing women can claim greater purity of heart and consequently exemption
from the directive to hide their beauty. Hadhrat Aaisha (Radhiyallaahu Anha) says, '(during
Hajj in the state of Ihraam) when the male should walk in front of us while in the company of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Alayhi Wasallam), then we would drop our veils from the head over the face.' This Hadith
emphatically shows the manner adopted by the honoured wives of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). They have exemplified
an extremely dignified way of life for the women of the Ummah.
Is a job in a bank haram because of interest actitivities
in bank?
A person who is an employee in a commercial bank but
his job has nothing to do with any interest transactions, then it will be permissible for him to work in a bank and his salary
will be Halaal too e.g. as a security guard, secretary, etc. However, that person who deals with interest transactions, his
salary will not be Halaal and it will not be permissible for such a person to work in the bank e.g. teller, manager, etc.
Mufti Taqi saheb mentions that the salary will be Halaal for those people because the deposits are greater than the interest
accrued on those deposits.
many Rings can men wear?
A man may only wear one ring of silver weighing less than 4,5 grams. Two rings may not be worn. (Fatawa
Mahmoodiyyah Vol.17 Pg.300) Two rings cannot be worn regardless of whether both rings are worn on the same finger or on
different fingers.(Jamiul Fatwa Vol.1 Pg.433) The ring could be worn on any hand.
How can i control my gaze eg. looking at femailes?
'O young people. Those of you who have the ability to get
married should do so for verily in it (marriage) is the lowering of your gaze and the chastity of your private parts. And
he who does not have the ability (of marriage) should hold on to fasting for verily in fasting there is the constrainment
of one's desires.' (Mishkaat). In the event if one falls into a predicament then he should lower his gaze with this in mind
that the one on whom lustful gazes is intended to be passed on will turn into dust and will be food for the worms in the grave.
In addition to this, one should not forget about the Omnipresence of Allah Ta'ala.
Are Muslim males allowed to wear ear rings?
Muslim males should not wear ear rings at all. Wearing
era rings is forbidden for Muslim males for two reasons:
Firstly, wearing ear rings has been generally a female custom
and Muslim males should not imitate the females in their dress, walk and talk, just as Muslim females should not imitate the
males. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) cursed those men who imitate women and those women who imitate men. (Bukhari;
Secondly, the men who wear ear rings are generally people with queer character. They are mostly homosexuals
and morally perverse people. Muslims should try to resemble good, pious and righteous people. We must inform our youth who
may become attracted to wear earrings that this is against the teachings of Islam. We should pay more attention to our youth
so that they do not get involved in un-Islamic groups and immoral lifestyles. The youth may receive such evil influences if
they are neglected at home and their parents do not provide them proper Islamic alternatives.
Is listening to music haram?
Music is expressly prohibited in many Ahaadith. Among the
dominant purposes of our beloved Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) was to destroy musical instruments.